
Rolex Submariner (No Date) 6536-1 Red Depth 1955 mit Papiere

118.750,00 €


Rolex , Submariner (No Date)
Material des Armbandes
Farbe des Ziffernblattes
Zahlen Ziffernblatt
Material Schließe
Bezel Material
10 atm
drehbare Lünette
verschraubte Krone
Limitierte Serie


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original Rolex Submariner 6536-1 Red Depth ( Rote Tiefenangabe ) mit Box und original Papieren!!!

Elemente des U-Bootes 6536

Die Krone

Wie alle U-Boote bis zum ersten Auftritt des Schiedsrichters. 5512 im Jahr 1959, die ref. 6536 hat eine ungeschützte Krone, da in das Gehäuse keine Schutzvorrichtungen eingebaut sind.

Die Aufzugskrone selbst ist die 6-mm-Version, im Gegensatz zur 8-mm-Krone auf der 'James Bond'-Referenz 6538. Diese Eigenschaft verleiht der späteren Uhr eine 200-m-Tiefenbewertung für die 100-m-Krone des 6536.

Abgesehen von der unterschiedlichen Kronengröße und Wasserbeständigkeit sind die beiden Modelle nahezu identisch. In der Tat ist der Gehäuseboden der frühesten Modelle der ref. 6536 sind tatsächlich mit '6538' gestempelt, durchgekratzt und dann mit der richtigen Nummer darunter eingraviert.

Submariner 6536
Der Submariner 6536 hat den Weg zum modernen Submariner geebnet.

Das Zifferblatt

Die erste Welle beider Modelle wurde mit demselben Zifferblatt veröffentlicht, das ungewöhnlich nirgendwo den Namen 'Submariner' oder die Tiefenbewertung enthielt. Eine winzige Anzahl von 6536 Ausgaben, die auf nicht mehr als 10 Exemplare geschätzt wurden, wurde später mit der maximalen Tiefe in Rot geschrieben. und wenn Sie auf eine stoßen, greifen Sie zu!

Weniger noch, wie man sie an einer Hand zählen könnte, sind die Explorer-Wählversionen. Während die Mehrheit der Stücke mit der gleichen Mischung aus runden Indexen und Stabstäben mit dem umgekehrten Dreieck bei 12 geliefert wurde, die das Sub heute noch aufweist, gibt es noch ein oder zwei Exemplare mit den arabischen 3-6-9-Markierungen des Explorers . Sie können wahrscheinlich erraten, wie wertvoll diese besonderen Stücke sind.

Submariner 6536
Der Submariner 6536 verfügt über ein äußerst begehrenswertes Zifferblatt.

Die Hände

Beide Zifferblattvarianten, das äußerst seltene Explorer-Zifferblatt und das reguläre, aber immer noch lächerlich seltene vergoldete Zifferblatt, wurden mit denselben Zeigern im Mercedes-Stil geliefert, die erstmals in die Submariner-Reihe aufgenommen wurden. 6200 aus dem Jahr 1954. Die frühesten Modelle behielten die längeren Typen bei, wobei ein Minutenzeiger den äußeren Kapitelring des Zifferblatts überdeckte, bevor er zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt während des Produktionszyklus gekürzt wurde.

Die Bewegung

Der Schiedsrichter. 6536 wurde von der Cal angetrieben. 1030, ein automatisches Kaliber mit 25 Steinen, das 1950 eingeführt wurde und bis Ende des Jahrzehnts COSC-Status erlangen sollte. Das würde jedoch nach dem ref kommen. 6536 wurde eingestellt, daher finden Sie keine sogenannten OCC-Beispiele mit dem Text "Offiziell zertifizierter Chronometer" auf dem Zifferblatt, wie Sie es bei späteren Referenzen tun werden.

Formal anerkannt oder nicht, der Cal. 1030 war immer noch eine beeindruckende Leistung, das erste bidirektionale Automatikaufzugswerk, das Rolex hergestellt hatte. Mit einer Frequenz von 18.000 Stundenkilometern und einer blauen Stahlfeder mit Breguet-Überwindung wurde sie von der Marke auf fünf Positionen eingestellt, genau so, als hätte sie die Zertifizierung des Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute erhalten.

Insgesamt ist der Cal. 1030 würde in weit über zwei Dutzend Rolex-Modellen zum Einsatz kommen, bevor die aktualisierte 1500er-Serie auslaufen würde.

Submariner 6536
Was denken Sie über den Submariner 6536? Kommentiere unten!

Das Vermächtnis

Die Zeit im Rampenlicht war sicherlich kurz, aber genau wie bei Vintage Rolex ist es diese präzise, ​​flüchtige Natur, die den Schiedsrichter ausmacht . 6536 ein verlockendes Ziel für Sammler sowie ein faszinierendes Kapitel in der Submariner-Geschichte.

Bei jeder noch so kurzlebigen Iteration hat Rolex einen weiteren Schritt unternommen, um das zu perfektionieren, was für viele Menschen ihre Signatur ist.

Die Sub ist zweifellos die einflussreichste Taucheruhr, die jemals hergestellt wurde, und die Rückverfolgung ihrer Herkunft durch diese äußerst seltenen Exemplare ist eine faszinierende Reise.

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"Newly arrived !

From a collector's hand!

first owner !!!

original Rolex Submariner 6536-1 Red Depth (red depth indication) with box and original papers!!!

Elements of submarine 6536

The crown

Like all subs until the referee's first appearance. 5512 in 1959, the ref. 6536 has an unprotected crown as there are no protections built into the case.

The winding crown itself is the 6mm version, as opposed to the 8mm crown on the 'James Bond' reference 6538. This characteristic gives the later watch a 200m depth rating for the 6536's 100m crown .

Aside from the different crown size and water resistance, the two models are nearly identical. In fact, the caseback of the earliest models of the ref. 6536 are actually stamped '6538', scratched through and then engraved with the correct number underneath.

Submarine 6536
The Submariner 6536 paved the way for the modern Submariner.

The dial

The first wave of both models were released with the same dial, which unusually did not include the 'Submariner' name or the depth rating anywhere. A tiny number of 6536 editions, estimated at no more than 10 copies, were later written in red with the maximum depth. and if you come across one, go for it!

Even fewer than one could count on one hand are the Explorer dial-ups. While the majority of the pieces came with the same mix of round hour markers and inverted triangle batons at 12 that the Sub still features today, there are still an example or two with the Explorer's Arabic 3-6-9 markings. You can probably guess how valuable these special pieces are.

Submarine 6536
The Submariner 6536 features a highly desirable dial.


Both dial variants, the ultra-rare Explorer dial and the regular but still ridiculously rare gold-plated dial, came with the same Mercedes-style hands that were first introduced to the Submariner range. 6200 from 1954. The earliest models retained the longer types, with a minute hand covering the outer chapter ring of the dial before being shortened at some point during the production cycle.

The movement

The referee. 6536 was powered by the Cal. 1030, a 25 jewel automatic caliber introduced in 1950 that would achieve COSC status by the end of the decade. That would come after the ref though. 6536 has been discontinued, so you won't find so-called OCC examples with the text "Officially Certified Chronometer" on the dial, as you will with later references.

Formally recognized or not, the Cal. 1030 was still an impressive achievement, being the first bidirectional self-winding movement Rolex had made. With a frequency of 18,000 km/h and a blue steel spring with Breguet override, it has been set in five positions by the brand, just as if it had received certification from the Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute.

Overall, the Cal. 1030 would be used in well over two dozen Rolex models before the updated 1500 series was phased out.

Submarine 6536
What do you think of the Submariner 6536? Comment below!

The legacy

Its time in the limelight was certainly brief, but just like vintage Rolex, it's that precise, fleeting nature that defines the Referee. 6536 an enticing target for collectors as well as an intriguing chapter in Submariner history.

With each iteration, however short-lived, Rolex has taken another step to perfect what many people consider their signature.

The Sub is undoubtedly the most influential dive watch ever made, and tracing its origins through these extremely rare examples is a fascinating journey.

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Please also note our other offers at Herando"

Newly arrived !

From a collector's hand!

first owner !!!

original Rolex Submariner 6536-1 Red Depth (red depth indication) with box and original papers!!!

Elements of submarine 6536

The crown

Like all subs until the referee's first appearance. 5512 in 1959, the ref. 6536 has an unprotected crown as there are no protections built into the case.

The winding crown itself is the 6mm version, as opposed to the 8mm crown on the 'James Bond' reference 6538. This characteristic gives the later watch a 200m depth rating for the 6536's 100m crown .

Aside from the different crown size and water resistance, the two models are nearly identical. In fact, the caseback of the earliest models of the ref. 6536 are actually stamped '6538', scratched through and then engraved with the correct number underneath.

Submarine 6536
The Submariner 6536 paved the way for the modern Submariner.

The dial

The first wave of both models were released with the same dial, which unusually did not include the 'Submariner' name or the depth rating anywhere. A tiny number of 6536 editions, estimated at no more than 10 copies, were later written in red with the maximum depth. and if you come across one, go for it!

Even fewer than one could count on one hand are the Explorer dial-ups. While the majority of the pieces came with the same mix of round hour markers and inverted triangle batons at 12 that the Sub still features today, there are still an example or two with the Explorer's Arabic 3-6-9 markings. You can probably guess how valuable these special pieces are.

Submarine 6536
The Submariner 6536 features a highly desirable dial.


Both dial variants, the ultra-rare Explorer dial and the regular but still ridiculously rare gold-plated dial, came with the same Mercedes-style hands that were first introduced to the Submariner range. 6200 from 1954. The earliest models retained the longer types, with a minute hand covering the outer chapter ring of the dial before being shortened at some point during the production cycle.

The movement

The referee. 6536 was powered by the Cal. 1030, a 25 jewel automatic caliber introduced in 1950 that would achieve COSC status by the end of the decade. That would come after the ref though. 6536 has been discontinued, so you won't find so-called OCC examples with the text "Officially Certified Chronometer" on the dial, as you will with later references.

Formally recognized or not, the Cal. 1030 was still an impressive achievement, being the first bidirectional self-winding movement Rolex had made. With a frequency of 18,000 km/h and a blue steel spring with Breguet override, it has been set in five positions by the brand, just as if it had received certification from the Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute.

Overall, the Cal. 1030 would be used in well over two dozen Rolex models before the updated 1500 series was phased out.

Submarine 6536
What do you think of the Submariner 6536? Comment below!

The legacy

Its time in the limelight was certainly brief, but just like vintage Rolex, it's that precise, fleeting nature that defines the Referee. 6536 an enticing target for collectors as well as an intriguing chapter in Submariner history.

With each iteration, however short-lived, Rolex has taken another step to perfect what many people consider their signature.

The Sub is undoubtedly the most influential dive watch ever made, and tracing its origins through these extremely rare examples is a fascinating journey.

Errors, prior sale and typos reserved.

Please also note our other offers at Herando

"Newly arrived!

From a collector's hand!

first owner !!!

original Rolex Submariner 6536-1 Red Depth (red depth indication) with box and original papers!!!

Elements of submarine 6536

the crown

Like all subs until the referee's first appearance. 5512 in 1959, the ref. 6536 has an unprotected crown as there are no protections built into the case.

The winding crown itself is the 6mm version, as opposed to the 8mm crown on the 'James Bond' reference 6538. This characteristic gives the later watch a 200m depth rating for the 6536's 100m crown .

Aside from the different crown size and water resistance, the two models are nearly identical. In fact, the caseback of the earliest models of the ref. 6536 are actually stamped '6538', scratched through and then engraved with the correct number unde


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